react-three-fiber by example
Examples of using react-three-fiber.
Table of Contents
Using a color element to attach a background color to a scene
A minimal boilerplate for r3f
Using Drei’s map controls to pan around a scene
Mapcontrols screenspacepanning
Using MapControls screenspace panning to normalize mouse movements to the viewport
Using an orthographic projection camera in r3f
Adding emissive materials with bloom to create glowing text
Using the postprocessing library to make emissive text with bloom for a glow
Postprocessing custom lens effect
Using postprocessing to create a custom effect like concentric circular lenses
Using postprocessing to create Depth of Field
Using postprocessing to create a halftone-like dotscreen effect
Creating a vignette using the Eskil option in postprocessing vignette
Creating a glitchy shader overlay
Creating a light-through-smoke godrays effect
Another example of godrays
Godrays combined with Drei’s Text component
Screenspace ambient occusion - shadows where objects would occlude light
Postprocessing triangular pixelation
A custom triangular pixelation shader effect
A basic vignette using postprocessing
A basic plane geometry
A basic sphere geometry
Drawing lots of cubes using instancing
Loading a gltf model and drawing it lots of times using instancing
A very minimal cube example
Drei’s rounded box geometry
A tube geometry that follows the vertices of a sphere
A camera shake effect
Drawing helpers using the useHelper hook
Rotating a cube using the useFrame hook
A simple light following a circular path
Lighting using environment mapping
An example of three point lighting
High quality VSM shadow mapping
Glowing text using emissive mapping
A shader material glow effect
Examples of five basic material types
A shader material applied to a torus
Shaded torus with fake lighting
A fake lighting shader material on a torus
A checkerboard shader material on a sphere
Using materials with shadows
Applying several maps to a sphere
A simpler way of loading several maps to apply to a texture
Combining a map with a color in a material
Accessing useMatcapTexture for high quality materials
Loading a gltf model in an r3f scene
Tracking where a pointer enters and leaves an object
Displaying HTML labels over a scene using Drei’s Html component
Drawing sprites using instanced points
Using pointer events with a mesh for mouseover and click interactions
An example of the r3f-perf library
A basic example of the Drei reflector component
Applying a texture to a reflector
Displaying text with Drei’s Text component wrapper around Troika text
Three balls perpetual physics usecannon
Three balls falling and reseting
Three balls falling down
Using constaints to form a chain
Usecannon constraints click direction
Using constraints with clicking
Balls falling on top of each other